Tuesday, February 28, 2012


October came and went as we were all busy preparing our teacher performance of Thriller. Amy would have been so proud of my killer dance moves. Which required one on one lessons from our amazing dance teacher from Russia- Olga. She's great. After only 3 short reherasals and fabulous make up done by Elena, we had a wonderful lunch time preformance.

 It was a great holiday feel, but nothing compares to the Wisconsin fall, caiving pumpkins (which I only got to do with expensive USA imported ones....sadly no giant pumpkin this year!) :*( and the lack of trick or treating.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Hey Everyone, Dubai is still O for AWESOME!!

Sorry it is obvious I suck at blogging. Guess just too busy to write online and keep photos up to date... I apologize. So Backing up a few months... I've played in a few Ultimate Frisbee Tournements and thought I'd share some fun photos from those. One of which was the DUCE tournament (Dubai Ultimate Charity Event) where some of my students helped fundraise 9,000 AED, which we were able to take to a village in Thailand (where I currently am... and finally finding time away from the bsy Dubai life, and enjoying my tiny hut (yes with Wi-fi) and just relaxing and listening to all the wild life outside my window, as well as the girls huts next door as they stay awake all night... but I'll get to more of that later.)  So about that Frisbee, I'm playing every Tuesday and Saturday night with some good people from school as well as with friends of friends, meeting people from all over. Good stuff. This past week we played the US Navy which was also a fun experience as they are from all over and just happy to be off a ship.  That's it for the Jumeriah Beach Road Frisbee Tournament. :)