Thursday, September 8, 2011

  HAPPY 4th of JULY

yes... I'm only slightly behind in my blogging... :)  so happy late 4th.  In these pics I am now back from my week in NYC and headed back to Cali to finish my West Coast Vaca!! :)  I drove down to San Diego to visit my buddy Jason.  Here, we hiked up a sweet little mountain/ big hill in the blazin heat and then ran down to get out of the sun. Good times.

 The next day we headed to some museums and he gave me a fabulous tour of SD. We hung out over at a friend's house, thought about a marshmellow war that was taking place, but came to realize the entire city of San Diego was SOLD OUT of marshmellows (that may be a slight exaggeration, but either way it prevented us from takin part.... maybe marshmellow fluff.... or mini mallow shooters for next year).  So lesson learned to plan ahead.
 We ended up going out for O B Okie....some karaoke downtown near the beach... I think :) and had a blast rockin out all night long, and singing a bit of the Spice Girls! lol.  The following evening was the 4th of July, where we enjoyed a nice Italian dinner, and then watched the fireworks from the roof of their house.... going off at 4 different places!!!! a 360 degree view of beautiful fireworks!!! Firework night #2 as NYC lit them off on the 1st when I was still there!
As the night came to an end... poor little Toastie went missing.... (the tiny pup in the photo) we spent hours searching the neighborhood for her, thinking she had gotten out, but in the end, she was only hiding under one of the beds, super scared from all the firework noise.  Overall, a great 4th of July and I was glad to have spend it with my buddy Jason. :)  HAPPY 4th!!!!!!!!!!

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